A Chi For Help

During the past several years, Chi Chapter has been accused, rightly and wrongly, of several disciplinary matters.  The latest SEC reaction to these charges has resulted in a fine of $25,000.00, the installation of an Alumni Board of Control and an extensive review of the chapter membership and operations.  The reviews and reorganization of the chapter are already producing very positive results.  But, a $25,000.00 fine is a serious burden for any chapter.

So, we are reaching out to the Chi alumni in hopes that you will help the chapter with raising the funds to pay this fine and assist the brothers with moving forward to reach the level of excellence that will continue the Chi Chapter legacy that we all remember. We would greatly appreciate a non tax-deductible donation through this GoFundMe link, even if it’s only a couple dollars! Also, please share this request for help with other alumni with whom you have contact.  We know that money can be tight, especially in these times, but it will not go to waste; instead, it will be an investment that supports the development of the strongest brotherhood on Purdue’s campus for years to come.

Note: any additional funds raised over the $25,000 will be shared equally with the Educational Foundation and House Corporation to support housing, educational programming and scholarship needs. Please contact any of us if you have any questions.

Also, if you have a recruitment recommendation, please complete this form. The Chapter is eager to start this year off with a strong Rush as they look to becoming a Kappa Sigma Founders Award of Chapter Excellence Chapter once again!


Kevin Boes ‘18, Grand Master, 406-836-2416, kevinboes1@gmail.com
Vince Shissler ’00, Alumnus Advisor, vinshiss@gmail.com
Doug Kowert ’60, House Corporation President,dkowert@comcast.net, 312-339-0685
Steve Springer ’67, Educational Foundation President, sespringer@msn.com, 317-968-8130